Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sharing moments with celebrities or Batman Saves the Day

Yesterday when I walked my dogs down this hill and around to the right, I met Banksy. He had five dogs. We talked about chess, clouds, snow and the fact that I looked like the michelin man because I was wearing a down vest under my down coat.

Once I was at a gas station and a big white van skidded around a corner, bumped up over the curb and pulled up to the tank on the other side of me. It was Peter Falk. We looked at each other and I shrugged (indicating that he had only hit the curb because it was on the same side as his glass eye).

Another time I was at a red light and I was picking my nose with two fingers: thumb one side, pointer in the other. I looked over at the car to my right, and Leonardo DiCapprio was looking at me. We both laughed.

Once I was stopped at another red light on Hollywood Blvd., on the way to school, and Darla and I were having an argument about purchasing songs for her ipod. Batman walked right in front of us, smacked the hood of my car two times, and kept walking.

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