Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Day

In my day we only had two graduations: after 12th grade and after college. Now they happen more frequently, after preschool, after kindergarden, after elementary etc., maybe six times before the final high school one. It's hard for me to feel enthusiastic when they happen so frequently, or at least that's what I think until I sit down in the auditorium and listen to a sixth grader playing a piano concerto as everyone walks in. That's when I start weeping. Here's the song they played 20 years ago at Mo's preschool graduation. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. I'm not ashamed.
Dar's graduation began with each kid walking out on stage, saying their name, where they were from (their heritage) and their definition of friendship. Everyone was beautiful and perfect. One girl drew a blank and couldn't remember her line. There was a five second moment of silence during which we all felt nervous for her, and then another 3 second pause where we looked at each other and thought who cares, she's fine, this is fantastic. Then she remembered and we went crazy with the applause.
To anyone who says this is spoiling our children, making them feel they can do no wrong, I say Balderdash! And in fact, I think it's not a bad idea to continue with graduations each time you switch jobs, get a divorce or have a life changing experience. What better way to reflect on and be grateful for an experience than to have an audience of supporters cheering you on? Nothing's better than that. And now excuse me while I go listen to Bette Midler.

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