Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Sportscaster and The Bunny

It’s my brother’s birthday today and for the next few months we will be the same age because we are only 10 1/2 months apart. When we were little I always wished we were twins. We were our own version of twins, I guess. Not that we connected so much, but more that we had an unspoken understanding of each other. He was hyper and energetic and easy-going. I was slow-moving, quiet and angry. He was a pleaser, and I lived in my imagination. But I liked having him around, and I think he felt the same about me.

I’m not sure when it happened, maybe after the teenage years, but we each started to adopt the other person’s characteristics; he started to close and I started to open. We switched, like some odd, slow-moving, figure-8 exchange. I am still a dreamer and he is still more functional but something very twin-like took place. I only wish I saw him more.

Happy Birthday Pete.

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