Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bad Teeth

I’m sorry to put a photo of someone I’ve never met displaying their horrible teeth but here’s the thing, I have a bad tooth right now. It’s in the back. Not all the way but almost. You can really only see it if I guffaw, which I try not to do too much. But I can feel it and it hurts and I keep hoping if I stop thinking about it, it will go away. I have to confess that this is not the first time I’ve had a rotten, painful tooth so the fact that I’m trying to convince myself that I can deny its existence is ridiculous, and really goes to show that the one thing more durable than stupidity is shame, which is what I’m feeling about it: shame about my poor dental hygiene, my sugar-filled diet and my inability to pay for root canals. So what can you do when you feel shame about something? You can make fun of someone who is worse off than you. What other choice do I have?

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