Monday, March 7, 2011

Sorry Charlie

I wasn’t planning on writing about Charlie Sheen because I know everyone’s had an impacted assfull of his downward spiral, and I’m not about to say that he should be let off the hook because he has a disease, but it’s weird that there have been so many egomaniacal crazies in the news the past few months and I’m wondering about it. I wonder about the point where the line gets crossed, how long ago that was, how far was that trajectory from then til now.

I saw a video of Charlie recently and thought he looked rotted and otherworldly, (it’s weird that he’s been calling people "trolls" because that is exactly what he looks like), and I remembered the word grotesque as Sherwood Anderson used it in his book called Winesburg, Ohio back in the early 1900s. I looked it up and found this article written by David Anderson where he writes:

“Anderson’s grotesques are not curiosities…they are human beings who epitomize the spiritual deformities of all men… ".

Ok I’m hearing several of you saying, Jesus, Deird, why so highfalutin’?, and the rest of you saying, yeah he’s sucking the crackpipe, and holding a knife to someone's throat, Fucksake!, and I'm not suggesting we should tolerate this, but rather, why do we? It shouldn't matter if he is justified or diseased or insane. Clearly he is at least two of those things. Once you stick five rocks of crack cocaine up your nose, or start torturing people, or say you're an autocrat, the regular rules no longer apply. You're no longer speaking the same language as everyone else. Like the grotesques, Charlie, Gaddafi and Mubarak "are turned in upon themselves, isolated and alone, each of them spiritually distorted by his confusion in the face of society’s emphasis on material rather than humanistic values…"

Still, it's hard not to wonder, how did they get so far away from their own inner peace that they can't hear the sirens.

1 comment:

  1. God, I forgot that Charlie Sheen used to be an actor...
