Sunday, April 4, 2010

Paying Attention

I know it's a bad and time-wasting, addictive and self-destructive habit, but I can't help it. I've started googling everything. I realize that looking at my computer (I can't say surfing the web, it still feels like a modern term that doesn't fit into my vocabulary)(using the word google as a verb however, has worked it's way in) anyway, looking at my computer is a way of replacing thought all together. I don't have to listen or reflect or think. All I have to do is push buttons and occasionally see cool stuff. Like a monkey. This is not a great discovery.
This morning I got obsessed with birds. I can hear birds singing when I wake up, even when it's still dark outside and I can tell when a cat walks by because they suddenly, and completely in unison, stop chirping.
So I looked up birds singing on my computer, and this is what I found.

This guy has something in common with the birds outside my windows. I mean he's in a cage and singing the blues, but like them he's able to do something amazing for one reason: he's listening.

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