Friday, April 2, 2010

The Good Old Days

I recently read this quote from Amy Poehler about ads for a fancy t-shirt store.

"They're fucking gross, man. Look, I love beautiful girls too. I think everyone should be free to have their knee socks and their sweaty shorts, but I'm over it. I'm over this weird, exhausted girl. I'm over the girl that's tired and freezing and hungry…”

Yes! Exactly. I have to drive by one of those billboards between school and home every day, the one with a 13 year old girl sucking on a piece of licorice in nothing but tube socks and a pair of camel-toe briefs. Is there anyone who finds this appealing besides some doughy 55 year-old man with a greasy comb-over who lives with his mother. Or how about the sexy girl slowly licking and eating a cheese-burger while the greasy sauce drips down her chin, while some creepy guy voice over tells you how much you need this. Does this really appeal to anyone? It's humorless and irritating (and makes me feel humorless and irritated).

It’s weird to think that this commercial would probably not be used today because it advocates violence.

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