Friday, February 15, 2013

Preparing for the Shadow

Dear People who don't see a correlation between having a gun in your house and it going off,

   It's weird that the same people who think they can prepare for random events (like meeting intruders, psychopathic murderers or vengeful enemies) don't ever prepare for common ones (like experiencing rage, jealousy or passionate fits). Maybe anyone who buys a gun should have to take some psychology classes, or study human nature, and then read this:

Chekhov's gun is a metaphor for a dramatic principle concerning simplicity and foreshadowing. It suggests that if one shows a loaded gun on stage in the first act of a play, it should be fired in a later act; otherwise, the gun should not be shown in the first place. The principle was articulated by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov and reported in various forms.
"Chekhov's gun" is often used as an example of foreshadowing, with the sight of the gun preparing the audience for its eventual use. But the primary point of Chekhov's advice was to caution against including unnecessary elements in a story or its staging. Failure to observe the rule of "Chekhov's gun" may be cited by critics when discussing plot holes. The deliberate defiance of this principle may take the form of a red herring: something which the audience is meant to assume will be important to the plot's outcome, but ultimately is not.

Signed, a person who is tired of hearing about gun related deaths,

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