Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And You May Ask Yourself

I have started keeping a list of all the times I have to repeat myself.

Don't stand on the furniture. -14

Don't eat while you're on the computer. -32

Get dressed. -6482

Pick up your clothes/pencil/action figure. -83,627

You get the idea. This morning I asked Harry to brush his teeth 3 times and then I said: now you have to lose a privilege because I had to ask you more than once. He said: you never said that.


You never told me that rule.

Yes I did.

No you didn’t.

Yes I did.


January 27th at 3pm.


You may think this is more satisfying than it really is. I started the list because I wanted to keep a grip on my sanity. But now I’m pretty sure that it’s a reflection of the exact opposite. I mean it’s nice to win a few battles. But who is really winning the war?


  1. So true...I think any parent can relate!

  2. my kids were going outside to play and i told them if they went on the road i would kill them. They said, if we go on the road a car will kills us. i then told them that if they go on the road they might get hit by the car, but if they went on the road i would definitely kill them for suresies and it would be a slow painful death.
    i am the worst parent ever!
